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Happy Friday!

This communication will update you on where we are in regards to COVID as well as what your son can expect for LAST 7 DAYS OF SCHOOL!

COVID-19 - After reviewing the results of this week's COVID testing, our results indicated that an additional 2 members of our student population have tested positive. For those students, the mandatory 5 days of isolation will be required. These students may return to school if they are asymptomatic and do not have a fever on Wednesday May, 25th. For our students who are on campus this week, nothing changes. Since our population is fully vaccinated and masks are strictly enforced at this time, unless a student is showing COVID-like symptoms, it is business as usual. Please monitor your son for any symptoms daily.

YEARBOOK PHOTOS - Unfortunately, due to the amount of students out this week-we have decided to postpone yearbook photos until next week when all of our Airmen can participate. We will hold Airmen Portraits during the second half of the day on WEDNESDAY. Our apologies for the continued delays of this event. We will get this done. Thank you for understanding.

EXAMS - Next week begins student's final exams!* The regular exam schedule is as follows:

Monday, May 23rd Exam 1 A1 8:25-9:55 Exam 2 A2 10:-11:30 Lunch 11:30-12:20 Period A3 12:25-1:55 Period A4 2:00-3:30 Tuesday, May 24th Exam 1 B1 8:25-9:55 Exam 2 B2 10:-11:30 Lunch 11:30-12:20 Period B3 12:25-1:55 Period B4 2:00-3:30 Wednesday, May 25th Exam 1 A3 8:25-9:55 Exam 2 A4 10:-11:30 Lunch 11:30-12:20 Period A1 12:25-1:55 Period A2 2:00-3:30 Thursday, May 26th Exam 1 B3 8:25-9:55 Exam 2 B4 10:-11:30 Lunch 11:30-12:20 Period B1 12:25-1:55 Period B2 2:00-3:30 *Students who may be out of school due to COVID or other reasons, will be able to make up any missed exams beginning Wednesday-Friday. Specific make up times and tests will be determined by each teacher, respectively. FULL UNIFORM - We are requiring all students to be back in full uniform beginning Monday. This includes Arthur School shirt, tie, pants, belt and shoes. CONVOCATION + END OF YEAR CELEBRATION: Our last day of school is Tuesday, May 31st. We ask that parents and family members join us in celebrating our young men at 8:00 AM in the Arthur School Cafeteria for our Spring Convocation. This ceremony will recognize our students' achievements in the final quarter as well as throughout the year. Immediately following this event, we will continue our celebration with games and activities for our Airmen on their last day. We will dismiss at 3:30, per usual. This is all I have for you at this time. It is truly the home stretch!


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© 2021 The Delores Taylor Arthur School for Young Men

The Arthur School does not discriminate against students on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, disability, sexual orientation, family situation, religion, or political affiliation.

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Free, healthy meals are being served by organizations in our community this summer. No application or registration needed, just stop by and enjoy. To find meal sites near you: Text FOOD to 304-304. For Spanish, text COMIDA to 304-304. Or go to and enter your address.

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